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View Poll Results: Worst chain pet store for reptiles?
petsmart 9 24.32%
petco 22 59.46%
petland 1 2.70%
Fish n chirps 0 0%
I like pet stores 5 13.51%
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Old 02-24-11, 08:13 AM   #1
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whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

So we all hate chain pet stores lol which one is your worst rated?
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Old 02-24-11, 09:10 AM   #2
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

any pet store that sells animals...
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Old 02-24-11, 09:49 AM   #3
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Originally Posted by citysnakes View Post
any pet store that sells animals...
Love that answer Julian..

I obtain my animals from breeders and buy my other supplies online.
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Old 02-24-11, 10:30 AM   #4
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

I guess we are kinda lucky in that the big pet store here (Pets at Home - sorry wayne if i am not meant to name) is inspected monthly by the RSPCA (Royally sponsored charity that is backed by the police and government to ensure animal rights).

They have very clean cages, well looked after animals and cheap supplies. They are not allowed to keep any animal unless a minimum of two staff on every shift are qualified to care for that animal. We have been waiting 18months for them to stock Corns as they are still training all their staff.
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Old 02-24-11, 12:20 PM   #5
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Petco and petsmart are the only two chain pet stores around here.
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Old 02-24-11, 12:34 PM   #6
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Originally Posted by marvelfreak View Post
Petco and petsmart are the only two chain pet stores around here.
And they both suck. The only thing petco has going for it around here is Saturday is adoption day, and the local shelters bring in cats and dogs for adoption. Aside from that all of the supplies are over priced, the animal selection is slim. (Except for fish) And the staff are poorly trained. (Except in the fish department.) $7.00 for a large rat? Are they out of their minds?
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 02-24-11, 12:53 PM   #7
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Same here for Petco/Petsmart only. Except, Petco is worthless here and Petsmart is good. They haven't told me wrong information yet and they also have a permanent adoption center to the right side of the store. Permanent place for the Lexington Humane Society to find new homes for their animals. It's especially good since Petsmart is popular around here and LHS is a No-Kill humane society, meaning they really need to get some animals off their hands in order to keep taking them in.

The big adoption day for Petsmart, here, is usually Saturday when around 3 - 5 other local humane societies come in with a handful of their animals to try and get them adopted out. Rescue groups also come in to find new homes for their animals. Some people come in on Fridays. One of the Friday groups that comes in is a rescue group for neglected dogs(dogs that are left outside 24/7 in poor conditions or abused).

I remember back when it was first built... They even had a horse section and a horse care center.. but they plowed that over for more space. I'm guessing it wasn't as profitable as anticipated, what with Kentucky being the world's Horse Capital.

So, I'd say our Petsmart is pretty good.. but Petco is super lame. They only sell fish, I think. They have no form of special programs(adoptions). Mainly just a supply store.. and fish.

Edit: I also take my puppy over to Petsmart for training and socialization. I'm glad to know everyone in his class has had their vaccinations. Petsmart also has a clinic in the store and a grooming area where you can schedule Petsmart to give your dog a trim, nails clipped, etc. Though, I groom my own dogs and trim+sand their nails. LOL So they don't get my money for that.
Xybe - Baby Hypo Brazilian Rainbow Boa(M)
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Old 02-24-11, 12:55 PM   #8
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Originally Posted by presspirate View Post
And they both suck. The only thing petco has going for it around here is Saturday is adoption day, and the local shelters bring in cats and dogs for adoption. Aside from that all of the supplies are over priced, the animal selection is slim. (Except for fish) And the staff are poorly trained. (Except in the fish department.) $7.00 for a large rat? Are they out of their minds?
This is why i go to a owner operate pet store. I do get my Reptile Bark at Petsmart, because i save almost $10.00 on the big bags.
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Old 02-25-11, 12:21 AM   #9
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Petco by far. Though I would NEVER buy a reptile from anything but directly from a breeder. Made that mistake with Petco, a ball python (they were on sale for less than 50 bucks) but after 3 days it ended up showing bad signs of neurological not knowing which way was up...and when I demanded my money back they played it off as if it were somehow my fault. Hell I didn't even have time to feed it once. It was very sad and I felt sorry for the snake.
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Old 02-25-11, 01:12 AM   #10
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Originally Posted by NennaMeerkat View Post
Petco by far. Though I would NEVER buy a reptile from anything but directly from a breeder. Made that mistake with Petco, a ball python (they were on sale for less than 50 bucks) but after 3 days it ended up showing bad signs of neurological not knowing which way was up...and when I demanded my money back they played it off as if it were somehow my fault. Hell I didn't even have time to feed it once. It was very sad and I felt sorry for the snake.
That's terrible Nenna :c Poor thing :< They should have given you a refund. :l
Xybe - Baby Hypo Brazilian Rainbow Boa(M)
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Old 02-25-11, 01:29 AM   #11
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Petco sold us an Iguana that was sick, it died in my hands on Christmas eve.

I took it back and they wrote "defective" on the box and tossed it in the trash.

No remorse, no apologies for ruining our daughter's Christmas or anything.

Never bought another animal from them again since... and that was years ago.
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Old 02-25-11, 07:58 PM   #12
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

petco killed my bird...........
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Old 02-25-11, 08:17 PM   #13
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Petco is a heartless ******* when it comes to animals. I will say that as far as small mammals go my 2 female rats I got for valentines last year (hubby bought them) from petsmart are doing great. Healthier than a rat I bought from a rat breeder years and years ago.
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

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Old 02-26-11, 12:49 AM   #14
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

Yikes. The more and more I hear about chain stores, the more I feel as though mine's an anomaly. All we've got is a Petsmart, and while the supplies are pretty overpriced (6 pinkies for 11 bucks?? Gimme a break), they have a relatively good group of staffers for fish/reptiles. Herp manager even asked me when I was last in buying a new hide how 'Celli was doing, what I'd named him, and has ALWAYS exhibited actual care about the animals (See my thread titled anti-rant )

So based on personal experience, I'd have to say I LIKE pet chains. In fact, the locally-owned store that was around back when I had my ball was pretty scrummy, and rather impersonable. I don't know if I live in the Twilight Zone or what lol

Although, waaaaaaaaaay back, I got my ball from PetCo with a large, highly advanced mite civilization building itself on him, so I guess my vote goes to PetCo as the loser (winner??) lol
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Old 02-26-11, 01:37 AM   #15
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Re: whats the worst chain petstore iyo??

.. Wow... Wayne that's one of the saddest things I've heard :c .. Well, in a long time, at least... The whole 'dying in my hands' thing takes me back to when I had to put down my kitten and she died in my arms. Nothing could be done for her and she was suffering, I saw it in her eyes. They were going to put her in with all the other dead cats(which would go to a landfill), but I demanded to have her back so she could be buried at home. I was so mad to find they'd frozen her corpse over the night. Anyways.

It makes it even worse that they just threw the poor thing in a box labeled 'Defective' and threw it in the trash.. That's just heartless.. :l .. See, this is why I have issues with general society.

Oddly enough.. I think my iguana came from Petco. Bought her in Florida for $25... but she lived for 6 months.

Never knew Petco could be such monsters... I vote we boycott Petco.
Xybe - Baby Hypo Brazilian Rainbow Boa(M)
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