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Old 02-24-16, 12:32 PM   #1
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Considering my first python - smaller...

Hey yall,

I've been considering getting a python. I'm not comfortable with the bigger the bigger snakes just yet so here's what I've got it narrowed down to.

Children's python
Spotted python

I tend to like some off the beaten path stuff. The woma's just absolutely blow me away and that's sort of the direction I'm leaning as I don't have plans to breed so I wouldn't mind spending about $250 max on.

On the same hand folks seem to LOVE their carpets and they have my interest as well, however they seem to get a little big.

Care sheets are one thing, I'd be interested to hear general opinions from owners and what idiosyncrasies about keeping these mid sized pythons. Any other snakes I might have skipped? All the best.

Semper Fi,
Derek G
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Old 02-24-16, 03:02 PM   #2
EL Ziggy
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Derek- I can't say enough good things about my carpets. I've got a coastal, a jungle, and I'm adding a Bredli in a few weeks. They're beautiful display snakes. Mine will regularly hang out in the open and they're a lot of fun to watch. Neither of mine have missed a meal yet. The coastal and Bredli will get a bit larger but jungles and IJs stay on the smaller side. All of my carpets were produced by Nick Mutton at Inland Reptile. He's great to work with and his animals are all top notch. He's got a beautiful jungle listed for $250 on his website. IMO you can't go wrong with a carpet.

Inland Reptile
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)
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Old 02-24-16, 03:25 PM   #3
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

I second carpets. I have a pair of IJs (irian jaya) and they stay much much smaller than the inlands and coastals. You can get a normal hatchling for as little as 150$ shipped, or get a jungle or jag for around 300$ shipped. They are fantastic feeders, great display animals, and are active but not too active when held. =)
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Old 02-24-16, 04:22 PM   #4
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Originally Posted by EL Ziggy View Post
Derek- I can't say enough good things about my carpets. I've got a coastal, a jungle, and I'm adding a Bredli in a few weeks. They're beautiful display snakes. Mine will regularly hang out in the open and they're a lot of fun to watch. Neither of mine have missed a meal yet. The coastal and Bredli will get a bit larger but jungles and IJs stay on the smaller side. All of my carpets were produced by Nick Mutton at Inland Reptile. He's great to work with and his animals are all top notch. He's got a beautiful jungle listed for $250 on his website. IMO you can't go wrong with a carpet.

Inland Reptile
Just check out his! The Bredli's are beautiful but my jaw hit the floor when I saw the granites! Very spendy on some of those hahaha. I'll have to give him a hard look if I decide to go the carpet route. How do these snakes compare to colubrids like your bulls in temperament and handling?

Mink I was looking at the IJ's pretty hard, it was either that or the Jungles...caramels look beautiful too. Gahhh, hard to pick just one!

It's still probably a few months off. I just took at new job that takes me back down to Texas (thank God I'm leaving this barren wasteland of Cleveland), so I reckon I'll wait till then...summer's a good time to ship snakes anyways
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Old 02-24-16, 05:09 PM   #5
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Derek- Neither of my carpets have ever tagged me or even struck at me. They both have great temperaments but they are a little more active than my colubrids when I'm handling them. Not flighty, just curious. They can also take down much larger prey than one might think.
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)
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Old 02-24-16, 05:31 PM   #6
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

If you can get a Bredli's i would get one of those if not i would get a carpet. I think you would be much happier with one of those, or if you can swing the money get a diamond
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Old 02-24-16, 05:46 PM   #7
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

I'm jumping on the carpet bandwagon however i just want to slide in the fact that if you happen to get a jungle they are very prone to being nippy at a young age but they do grow out of that stage fast and become great pets
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Old 02-24-16, 07:40 PM   #8
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

I currently own a Stimson's Python and an Inland Carpet, If you're looking for something small and tame I'd go for something in childrens group, mine is tame as a dog and he's only 8 months old.

My carpet is great too, he's still quite nervous and he's about a year old. Ive heard once they're bigger they calm right down.

I'd put my money on a carpet python though.
| 1.0 MD carpet | 1.0 stimmie | 1.1.3 loud birds | 1.1 living yap machines | 1.0 bloody cat | 0.0.? exploding fish | 1.1 siblings (also loud) |
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Old 02-24-16, 10:23 PM   #9
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Wow! I didn't expect it to be so overwhelming carpet favored haha. Seems like they are snakes that are very well received. Yall have given me alot to think about, thanks so much for all the info!
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Old 02-24-16, 10:42 PM   #10
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Originally Posted by Humble308 View Post
Wow! I didn't expect it to be so overwhelming carpet favored haha. Seems like they are snakes that are very well received. Yall have given me alot to think about, thanks so much for all the info!
Yeah. No love for the Womas. Though I think that can be expected.
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Old 02-24-16, 10:48 PM   #11
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Originally Posted by REM955 View Post
Yeah. No love for the Womas. Though I think that can be expected.
Womas are not good beginner snakes, here they come at $1000+ for a decent specimen, OP is looking for a cheap easy snake. Carpets and Childrens are the best in this regard. Though Womas are awesome snakes, arguably better than Carpets in some eyes, they're simply not easy to come by and thus isn't for OP.
| 1.0 MD carpet | 1.0 stimmie | 1.1.3 loud birds | 1.1 living yap machines | 1.0 bloody cat | 0.0.? exploding fish | 1.1 siblings (also loud) |
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Old 02-24-16, 11:28 PM   #12
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Originally Posted by sam View Post
Though Womas are awesome snakes, arguably better than Carpets in some eyes, they're simply not easy to come by and thus isn't for OP.
Sam could you elaborate on this a bit, arguably better in what ways? I don't see them alot, but I have seen a few that are well within my budget. Thanks!
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Old 02-24-16, 11:29 PM   #13
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Originally Posted by REM955 View Post
Yeah. No love for the Womas. Though I think that can be expected.
Whys that? I must be missing a piece of the puzzle...
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Old 02-25-16, 12:52 AM   #14
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Carpets are very widely available, and if you aren't particular about breeding or pedigree you can pick up a baby for under $100. I paid $75 each for my two, a jungle?/IJ cross and an IJ at the Hamburg reptile show. If you want documneted lineage and/or some of the selectively bred colors and/or patterns you can expect to spend more. I'm not planning to breed them, just liked them and figured I'd try one, liked the first well enough to go for another.
Woma pythons aren't as commonly kept/bred as carpets, but everyone that has one raves about how awesome they are. Becka thinks they look a bit odd, but I'm hoping to find one at the show Saturday, otherwise I'll be waiting for better weather for shipping. Online prices are usually $250-300, though Derek Roddy prices his a bit higher, he always has great stock.
If you want a really small python go for a Children's or spotted. Again, people who have them seem to be quite happy with them in general. Decent dispositions as adults, babies are sometimes nippy but I've neer heard of any that were outright nasty. I always see those going for around $100 at the Hamburg show. I've been tempted to pick one up myself, but ended up with the carpet instead each time, just more colorful and I'm not concerned about their expected adult size.
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Old 02-25-16, 02:00 AM   #15
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Re: Considering my first python - smaller...

Carpet pythons are wonderful animals, and are considered a great beginner snake here in Australia. There is a ton of variety. Bredli are an earthy red colour with black and browns, but the hypo form had no black and a lighter colouring; both are beautiful. Jungle carpet pythons grow to (only?) around 1.8m, and while they do have a reputation as an aggressive snake, they quickly calm down with handling, as Klaire said. All carpets are beautiful animals.

They are, as El Ziggy said, very active when handling, but their movements are precise and not that of a scared snake. They also feed very well, and are always ready. Just develop a routine for them knowing when you're feeding; tapping the glass or tapping their heads with a snake hook, because you really don't want to deal with a hungry carpet.

I personally love carpets, but Womas are great to. Not only are they beautiful, but they feed perhaps even more vigorously than carpets. This makes a routine even more important, as they are very food oriented. Because they feed on cold blooded animals mostly, they lack heat sensing pits, so are often active in their enclosures. They still easily eat rats in captivity.

You also mentioned childrens and spotted pythons. Childrens are beautiful snakes, if not a little small. They come in a variety of beautiful natural colours, or some stunning morphs if that's more your thing. However, it is worth knowing that spotties can go through a bit of an aggressive phase when they go through "puberty".

Hope this helps,
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