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Old 02-01-03, 09:51 PM   #1
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Butter corn photos

Thought I would post a couple shots of our male '01 butter corn (bred by Wrapped up in Reptiles). He is turning out quite typical I think, though there are relatively few here for me to compare him with. His father is huge and very pale yellow, but he looks like he will have a bit more orange in the saddles. He is not cooling this winter, taking some time to grow up a bit.

and Dawn - sorry to hear that the female butter you got in Red Deer is being a pain about gaining weight. Our male was apparently a slow starter but has been a solid feeder since I got him. I was hoping you might get her bred this year - looking forward to some babies. If your camera is fixed I would love to see some photos of her. Is she similar to this male? I know you mentioned in another post that she was similar to some creamsicles you have seen so I would be interested in seeing how she is turning out. This male is quite different from our creamsicles.

Anyone else with butters that they can share photos of??

mary v.

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Old 02-01-03, 10:36 PM   #2
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Very nice. I like butters
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Old 02-01-03, 11:21 PM   #3
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i like butters alot too...great pics Mary!!
Matt Rudisi
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Old 02-02-03, 12:41 AM   #4
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Great looking snake.
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Old 02-03-03, 11:33 AM   #5
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Your butter looks great... personally, I like the butters with a little more orange.

I don't have any recent pics of my butter (still haven't gotten around to reinstalling the card reader for my camera), but I can post some of the older ones... she's an adult, so she's not changing a whole lot....

<img width="512" height="418" src=",0,0,1,1,512,418,FFFFFF">

<img width="512" height="253" src=",0,0,1,1,512,253,FFFFFF">

Butters on the whole seem to tend toward more yellows, and creamsicles seem to tend towards the oranges - and considering how rare butters are in Canada... better safe than sorry.

I need to take updated photos of all my snakes (my hypos and the Serpenco hatchlings are growing like multicolored weeds ) ... though I don't actually have much hope for getting good pics of Lorelei - she's also the least tame of my snakes. She came to me not being very used to being handled, and leaving her mostly alone to make sure she keeps her food down hasn't helped much... she strikes at the doors to her cage pretty consistently when she sees any movement. She's been pretty good about not regurging lately, so it's probably time I weighed her and start handling her more again...

Just another random thought.... it's surprizing how different snakes can be in general personality - you don't really notice it so much until you have 4 or 5 of them, but they run the whole gamut of shy, laid back, whippy, will-calm-down-once-you-pick-them-up, nervous, will strike at anything that moves, and all sorts of things. Rather interesting for animals that are considered to be so 'primative'... (speaking of primative, I'd better post this before I'm late for Archaeology...)

various cornsnakes, 0.1 black pine snake, 1.0 uromastyx geyri, etc.

"The only thing worse than a human who had no respect for other animals was a human who assumed all other animals thought and felt just like he did." --Julia Ecklar, "ReGenesis"
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Old 02-03-03, 02:24 PM   #6
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Thanks for the photos Dawn,

Glad to hear Lorelei is improving on her feeding. Agree totally with the range of personality of individuals. All our corns are different - the butter is actually one of the most curious and easy going, the snows are the sweetest and one of the creamsicles is a real nut. Even he settled down after a weekend at Pet Expo where he got to be handled by lots of people - maybe he was just exhausted. As a rule we don't handle our guys much, but still find that they setttle down quickly once we pick them up.

Anyway, if you do decide to breed Lorelei, let me know. If you ever decide to sell her, also keep me in mind.

mary v.
Mary VanderKop
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Old 02-03-03, 06:38 PM   #7
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nice pictures of all the snakes.
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Old 02-04-03, 08:40 AM   #8
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The butters are great..nice pics:w
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Old 02-04-03, 05:42 PM   #9
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Thanks toall for the compliments - hope mine grows up to be as nice as his father - I couldn't believe how beautiful he was when I first saw him. They are still one of my favorite corns - really love the yellow coloration especially if they keep some white borders.

mary v.
Mary VanderKop
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