This makes 2! yay twins :-D
I just got ANOTHER blood from ben siegel! It is beautiful.. He had this other one there.. it was weird.. it looked like a Bangka blood but had black frekles everywhere.. it looked gorgeous but i wasn't sure what the deal was so i didn't get it.. i kinda regret it now. Anyway this one is weird acting.. it's fast, and active (reminds me of a colubrid) but yea. i put it in my hands and it doesn't stop moving the whole time. He crapped in the bag he came in on the two hour drive so here i am going about 90 mph wrestling with a snake cause i was changing the bag he was in, but he had other plans.. he was all about chilling on the dashboard. oh well. Once again another week or two until i get a picture of it since i'm paranoid about disease.l .. later all
ball pyhon 0.1.0
blood python 0.1.0
Iguana Iguana 0.1.0