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Old 05-05-02, 03:02 AM   #1
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I recently had a power outage of 4 days. During that time I was able to use a generator for heat only and could not run my humidifiers. The day after the power came back on, both my male and female sorong's had really bad sheds which retained almost all their skin. Poor guys, they look aweful. I have been spraying them extra and peeling off what I can, but come on, they are GTP's...just how much can you "Peel" off of them manually??? They have their bellys and heads shed, but the rest of their bodies are still covored(this is 2 weeks later) and neither will eat anything. WHAT DO I DO????
PS I have their humidity VERY high but it doesnt seem to be helping them.
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Old 05-05-02, 06:49 AM   #2
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I'd have to vote for long repetitive bath until u get it fully off...

Its really frustrating but perseverence will get it all off ..

I've actually never seen a GTP take a bath in a water bowl on their own so I am inclined to say he probably won't love it to death but hey, Its for its own good.

Best of luck ..

Let us know how it goes
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Old 05-05-02, 10:27 AM   #3
Corey Woods
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Spray him down and then scrub him with an old tooth brush.........that should do the trick.

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Old 05-05-02, 02:32 PM   #4
Chris @ C.H.S.
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Hi Kolleen, You could also try placing them in a warm, damp pillow sack for 1/2 hour or so {making sure they don't become to cool} and then while holding a warm, damp face cloth etc. allow them to crawl through your hands. This method has worked very well for me in the past, however if your GTP's are anything like mine you may recieve the odd "nibble" which can be slightly more painfull with these guys than with other species. You should also take into consideration the amount of "resistance" you apply as you don't want to cause injury. Good Luck!
Chris @ C.H.S.
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Old 05-05-02, 10:57 PM   #5
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Thanks guys!!!

I was real hesitant to put them in a water dish like my balls or bloods...this is why I asked...I actually did a little of everything you all siad and it did the trick!!! Thanks again!!

PICS coming soon!
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