Re: Shedding
Originally Posted by Andy mac
My carpet python recently had trouble shedding. I ve managed to remove most of the skin but he still has his eye caps. How can I remove them. He is over 15 yrs old. I tried feeding him a medium rat but he still won't eat. Can any one help please.
to remove the eye caps i suggest a soak, and raise the humidity in the enclosure. If the soak doesnt work then upping the humidity will cause the caps to come off with the next shed.
Now with the food... has it alwasy been having issue feeding or is this a new thing? You say he is over 15 years old, have you had him for that long or is he new to you? If he is new he might just be stressed. Maybe try something a little bit smaller first? Are you feeding live, f/t or fresh killed? If f/t are you thawing it completely? I know there have been a few times where i thought i thawed it out properly but when I tried to feed it off the snake looked at me like I was crazy.
I hope I helped a bit!
0.3 ball pythons(normal, het g stripe, black pastel) 1.1 boas(het albino, ultra golden albino) 0.1 carpet python(diamond x jungle) 1.0 sumatran python 1.0 brb 1.0 corn(blizzard) 1.0 bearded dragon 0.0.1 northern blue tongue skink 1.1 crested geckos 1.0 vailed chameleon 0.1 russian tortoise