Getting a corn, cage suggestions?
Hi all, I am planning on getting a corn snake for a first snake. I would like to go with a higher quality cage rather than an aquarium. I don't really want to break the bank but I prefer doing it right to start with. I was looking at exo-terra terrariums, Vision cages and Boaphile plastics cages. The first question is size. The Vision cage I was thinking would work is the V332, 36" W x 28" D x 18" H. The Boaphile I was looking at is 36" W x 24" D x 17.5" H. I could put additional hides and foliage until the snake grew into it a little.
The next question is heating. In the winter I keep my house about 70 degrees F, in summer it can get up to 74F. I'll probably keep the snake in my bedroom which I can bump up the heat if needed (I have base board heaters). What kind of heating setup would be ideal? I was looking at radiant heat panels and they seem to get good reviews. Looking at the Boaphile cages they can install flexwatt under the whole cage, they also can install radiant heat panels. The Vision cage(s) have space for a heating pad and a mini heat lamp. What would be a good option to keep the ambient temp in the cage up and then what would be good for a hot spot to create a gradient?
I know from creeping on the forum here that there are proponents of multiple different methods. I shouldn't have any problems with humidity being that I don't have forced air heat. I am planning on probably using aspen bedding. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ben
Benjamin - 1.0 Palmerston JCP, 0.1 Zebra JCP, 1.0 ATB