Re: New Enclosure - Suggestions?
My immediate thought was CHAMELEON!! but then I read the word "handleable."
I've always liked the Jeweled Lacerta (Lacerta lepida). They are gorgeous animals. They like to burrow, though, and are not arboreal, though they do like to climb some on larger branches, rocks, etc. The temps and humidity you have currently are about right for the Jeweled Lacerta. Just a thought . . .
Have you looked for a herp society or herp shows near you? In nearly every state in the US, you can find one or the other or both within a few hours drive. I live in central Oklahoma, so am lucky to have shows in three major cities within 3 hours drive (OKC, Tulsa, and Dallas, TX). Fellow herpers who live in your state can help you find a reputable breeder near you (or hopefully not too far!).
Good luck!
"Always carry a large flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake." W. C. Fields