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Old 02-28-13, 12:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2013
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will he care about height?

so i have my BRB coming soon but i just had a thought, they dont really climb too much, so would he really care if his tank is 24 inches tall vs 18 inches tall if the floor space is the same?

it might be easier to control the humidity in a smaller space as well. then i could give the taller tank to some crested gecko's
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Old 03-01-13, 03:12 PM   #2
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Re: will he care about height?

Conventional wisdom has always been that these snakes are terrestial. Having owned and interacted with over 40 of them over five years, I can tell you this is not 100% accurate. As babies, they can and will climb. As adults, they are indeed much more terrestrial. I suspect this has something to do with survival instinct: adults can defend themselves, whereas babies need to hide to thrive, and climbing gives them more options. So while a tall tank is unnecessary, a young rainbow will make use of it.

Good luck, and looking forward to pictures!
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Old 03-02-13, 03:46 PM   #3
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Re: will he care about height?

Our BRB will come out in the evening and climb all over the place. He loves to play and explore. during the day, he usually stays in one of the hides on the floor of the enclosure.

Adults will climb if given the opportunity. I've seen quite a few photos of adults climbing bed frames, lamp posts, etc. and doing it quite well. They're masterful climbers but they like the ground too.
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Old 03-16-13, 09:54 PM   #4
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Re: will he care about height?

I see my BRB up on its second floor every so often but usually stays in nthe bottom till really late at night Like around 3am.
1.0 BRB
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Old 03-17-13, 04:02 AM   #5
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Re: will he care about height?

Mine climbed a lot as a baby and rarely came down for long haha.. I still offer climbing branches now and she will use them... Sometimes

You can still provide some branches in an 18" high for a baby anyway, and remove them later.
Cheers, Jamie.
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