Dora just had her first shed since being with us, it didn't come off in one piece. I don't know if its because parts got caught on her plants or something and tore or what, this is how it came away
We have found one eye cap, and the other half is 90% sure he found the other while rummaging through the aspen for the skin but he lost it amongst the aspen
We think she has a bit stuck on the end of her tail, she's hiding in her hide now so we can't see properly, so i'm unsure if she's managed to get it off herself. She has a bowl of water in her viv and the other half has sprayed her tail with water in the hope it helps, we don't want to disturb her until we are sure of what to do next, I don't have a humidity box made up, but google suggests she will need one
Would a warm bath help? Is there anything else I can do for her? How long do I leave her for before handling her to see whats going on?
The actual shed was quite fast (with in 20 mins, maybe faster) her eyes and colour returned to normal colour about 2 days ago, so we knew she would shed with in the week.