Alright, so i just got my ball few days ago. He's two, about 3 ft.
Docile as all get out, and friendly too. Yes we are giving him time to adjust, no we don't handle him constantly. ..yet.
When he arrived, he was handed to us out of his sack (pillowcase what have you). So we held him for a good 30 mins while we spoke to his previous owner, who is actually a chameleon/beardie breeder.
He was a gift for myself, and my kids from my partner.
Now. My kids LOVE HIM. I cant even express how much. Kids are fearless no doubt. No amount of verbal preparation could allow my kids to understand that he is a wild animal, he is capable of doing harm if incorrectly handled.
When, and how should i introduce (hands on) my kids to our new furless pet?
I will give it time, probably a week or two. When the time comes i need some strct guidlines on teaching the kids the 'proper' way to handle him. I know, but it's easier said than done.
I've run down the basics. "they're headshy, go slow, speak softly (for my own benefit mostly lol) don't grab him, get to up in his business etc. "
When, how is the best way/time to have them handling him?
(sorry i got carried away).