burm feeding question
Hey all just some input need, we have a pair of albino burms, before we moved both were feeding great. After we moved they stopped eating for a while. I wasn't to worried figured it was just the time of year (Nov) and the stress of moving.
In Dec both ate and we figured all was well again. They ate once and again stopped eating. Still as the male was 4.5' and the female almost 6' I wasn't worried.
We checked out our husbandry and all seems well, temp range of 78-98, 2 hides, big water tub for soaking.
Come January the female started eating reguarily again, every week she takes down an adult rat. The male however is still not eating. He moves around the enclosure form the hot to cold spots, is still very active at night, and his temperment seems fine, however as it's now been 3 month's with only one meal I'm starting to get just a little worried.
So any input would be welcomed, thaks in advance all.
Last edited by katey; 01-27-03 at 03:04 PM..