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Old 01-25-03, 08:16 AM   #1
"Red-eye"_Matt's Avatar
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UTH's and red-eyes?

I have a UTH that I was plannning on using for my red-eye enclosure. As some of you already know from my other posts it is a 40 gallon tall (30" x 12" x 24". . . L x W x H).

The heater is an Exo Terra Substrate Terrerium Heater and it measures 10.5" x 11". It also has an adhesive on it so that it can be mounted on the side of the tank. I would be using it with a rheostat that I built using the instructions in the enclosure section.

I was wondering if anyone had any experience using these with red eyes, and if they work well on bottom or should I mount it on the side?

Thanks everyone


PS. I know I've put up a few posts for these guys but they are my first and I want to make sure that I do things right And thanks to everyone that has responded to me so far . . . your input has really helped!!!
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Old 01-27-03, 04:13 PM   #2
Kyle Barker
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In my opinion i wouldnt. It would probably get to hot in one spot. I keep mine at 80ish during day and 73-76 at night. They can safly go down to 67 (in my exp.) for short periods of time. I just think its better to keep the air temp right instead of running the risk of getting a concentrated spot too hot. If your area is too cold you may want to try a red light. My opinion, hope it helps.

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Old 01-27-03, 04:26 PM   #3
"Red-eye"_Matt's Avatar
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Hey Kyle . . .

I tried hooking up the UTH on the rheostat and I managed to get it to stay around 85 (though it was not on the glass). I'm gonna try again in the next day or two and see if I can't get it to hold around 80.

If it will work do you think this would be okay?

1.1 Red eyed tree frogs
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Old 01-30-03, 06:59 AM   #4
Kyle Barker
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I think its fine as long as it doesnt get too hot in one spot. My thought was if you keep it at say 80, that is fine, but will it keep the rest of the enclosure warmenough? I think it would wrok fine as long as the rest of the enclosur is above 70f, BTW i would put it on the bottom so it helps heat the whole cage better. If it were me doing it i would test it in the cage in the daytime when they are sleeping, or when they arent in hte cage, just to elimante any risks. Good luck with it and let us know how it turned out.


By the way, im damn tired and toolazy to check spelling so it may be a hard read
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