I have a UTH that I was plannning on using for my red-eye enclosure. As some of you already know from my other posts it is a 40 gallon tall (30" x 12" x 24". . . L x W x H).
The heater is an Exo Terra Substrate Terrerium Heater and it measures 10.5" x 11". It also has an adhesive on it so that it can be mounted on the side of the tank. I would be using it with a rheostat that I built using the instructions in the enclosure section.
I was wondering if anyone had any experience using these with red eyes, and if they work well on bottom or should I mount it on the side?
Thanks everyone
PS. I know I've put up a few posts for these guys but they are my first and I want to make sure that I do things right

And thanks to everyone that has responded to me so far . . . your input has really helped!!!