11-09-12, 03:12 PM
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,787
Profile: Holdbacks, Part 4
For these next short entries, we are profiling our four holdbacks from the 2011 Hills-Alex litter. Born on September 14, 2011, all four just hit their one-year birthdays, and are shaping up nicely. We will cover two babies a week over the next two weeks. This is part four of the four-part series.
Heliodor is the star of the litter. It was a no-contest decision: both in color and personality, she outshone all 16 of her rivals. She combines wonderful orange highlight and red background colors with an eager curiosity, and like her brother Everest never passes up a chance to be held. She also inherited her father’s black back spot and love of climbing.
Here is Heliodor as of her birth in September 2011:
Here she is at six months in March 2012:
And here she is at one year in September 2012:
Outside, Looking Away
Inside, Top View
A day or two later she was looking particularly vibrant, so I grabbed a shot of her in her hide:
She now weighs 276 grams (up from 209 when I wrote this), placing her a few months ahead of the usual growth curve for a Brazilian of her age. Going forward, we hope this “Helio-dorable“ little gem will develop into a solid orange dorsal-red background specimen.
Thank you for reading,
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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