Hello everyone, been into reptiles for a long time. Started with anoles and iguanas at about 8 years old, got my first snake a ball python at 13 or 14 and since then have had everything from bloods to 10ft+ burmese.
I have been out of the hobby for the past 6 years or so due to military service mainly. Now that I'm out of the military and my boys are getting a little older I'am getting back into it.
Right now the boy's have a male BP, the wife just got a male RTB, and I just got a female het albino burm. Next addition will be a full albino male burm hopefully once I build another enclosure.
Here is a couple pics, (bad ones sorry) if anyone can recommend any other sites I should check out as well that would be appreciated. Not sure what the "go-to" sites are anymore haha!