baby cali king not eating
hey guys. im new to this forum, and need some help. i bought an aberrant California king at the last white plains show (about a month ago). since then he has not eaten at all. i have tried frozen thawed, brained frozen thawed, frozen thawed dipped in chicken broth and last night live. he didn't touch or eat any of them. at first i had him in a 20 gallon, then downgraded to a small plastic shoe box a couple weeks ago with a heat pad on one side. the hot side is normally fluctuating between 85 - 89 degrees Fahrenheit. someone on another forum told me to switch him to a smaller box with damp spaghnum moss to help him feel more secure. i have aspen as a bedding right now. i bought him from bhb and brian said to try live, and if he didnt eat he would give me a different one. would this be the best option at this point? i kinda like the little guy, but if he is not eating it might be better to switch him and not have him die. any help would be amazing. thanks