Any Mandarin Ratsnake keepers/breeders? Questions.
I'm finding a fair amount of differing info on the 'net for these. We actually have one new female hatchling that was a surprise find at the last reptile expo. Normally they aren't available locally and while one was on our wanted list, we weren't expecting to get one right then. I'd researched them a good bit over a year ago but had forgotten most of what I'd read. Anyway, I just read one care sheet to refresh my memory when setting up her tank. She is thriving, eating regular, shedding and growing like a weed. But my husband and I are wanting to get into breeding snakes, in a small way, with a few carefully chosen species. We've decided on a pair of Mandarins and a pair of Thai Bamboo, or p.coxi Ratsnakes so far for sure. But now I've been doing a bunch of reading on care and breeding of Mandarins and getting two different opinions on their care. Some say to treat them more like the coxi, room temp and very high humidity, others more like corns or kings, warm sides of 85-90 and just a humid hide. Incidentally, this is how our one Mandarin is setup. I was wondering what any keepers on here do for their Mandarins?
Too many snakes! 22 species & counting. 1.2 Crested geckos 2.2 Gargoyle geckos 2.1 Box turtles 0.3 Chihuahua 2.2 evil cats.
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