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Old 07-29-12, 07:13 PM   #1
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Close call!!

Today i had BARNABAS out on the trampoline to get some sun as i hadnt taken him out for 3 weeks while he was getting ready to shed.
I had bought a worm farm this morn and as he was basking, i was about 5 metres away setting up the worm farm.
I kept checking on him every min or 2
And then the eventually moved on the grass to poop,

But then as i was putting the worms in the farm, i was having some trouble and i completely forgot about BARNABAS!!!
about half an hour went by and i suddenly remembered!! I said S**T!!! and ran to the trampoline and franticaly looked through nearby gardens and trees while also trying to watch where i step so i dont tread on him!
I was hiperventilating and shaking like crazy thinking 'what if i never find him!! He wont be able to cope living wild!!! He might get hurt from wild animals!!'
I screamed for mum and she said she will look in trees gardens and open areas and i will look in the long grass.

10 min went by and then i saw his head poking out of metre long grass!
I picked him up and put him on my shoulders and just hugged him and i started crying!!
Mum came over and even gave me a hug!! ( she likes the snake but doesnt want to go near it)
I just kep saying "oh my god, that was not good"
I just stood there crying and... In a way.. 'hugging' my boy for about 5 min!!! I was saying "i love you so much, i cant believe i found you, im not leaving your side again!!"

So there was my close call!!!
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Old 07-29-12, 07:17 PM   #2
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Re: Close call!!

why would you take an animal outside and then do something else? That's just silly.
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Old 07-29-12, 07:19 PM   #3
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Re: Close call!!

Glad you found him... Lesson learned.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anatole France
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Old 07-29-12, 07:29 PM   #4
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Re: Close call!!

Originally Posted by Valvaren View Post
why would you take an animal outside and then do something else? That's just silly.
I know!! It was STUPID!!! but it was the FIRST time i did it and was only a few metres away.
But lesson learned!
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Old 07-29-12, 07:43 PM   #5
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Re: Close call!!

Gosh. First the husbandry thing, now this gross negligence. I can't even fathom how someone could forget about their snake for half an hour outside. I'm starting to feel really bad for your snake.
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Old 07-29-12, 08:07 PM   #6
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Re: Close call!!

Originally Posted by Toronto1977 View Post
Gosh. First the husbandry thing, now this gross negligence. I can't even fathom how someone could forget about their snake for half an hour outside. I'm starting to feel really bad for your snake.
Well gosh im only human!!!!!
I make mistakes and i LEARN FROM THEM!!!!!
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Old 07-29-12, 08:10 PM   #7
CK SandBoas
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Re: Close call!!

So you took your snake outside, and you were basically 16 feet away from him, if i did the conversion correctly, and instead of keeping your eye on him every second you were outside, you got distracted by something else. Seriously, this is not something i'd be writing about, it paints you in a very poor light as an owner, and did you even consider what could have happened if he did escape from your property?

I know you said you are a very sensitive person, but right now, with this added to your husbandry, all consideration to your feelings go out the window. What is important right now is your snake, and if you can't properly take care of it, then maybe you should find someone who can.

If you consider this rude, then so be it. I'm more concerned for your snakes health and safety at the moment.......
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Old 07-29-12, 08:28 PM   #8
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Re: Close call!!

Ok, so,
When people have children, and they make mistakes like all parents do, it means they should give the kids up?!?!?
NO it DOESNT!!!!
if they are highly willing to learn from their mistakes and make sure they dont do it again then thats great!! And caring!!!!
Iv seen threads on here of people forgetting to lock the doors of their enclosure and the animal escaped aso im not the only one who made a mistake!!!!

I expected these forums to be helpful and not put people rudely down just cos they made a mistake or a few!!! If they KEEP making the same mistakes THEN you can get mad!!!!!! Like i said 'I DO MAKE MISTAKES, BUT I DO LEARN FROM THEM!!! And i DO like being given advice!!! But not RUDELY!!!!!
my SNAKE was kept TERRIBLE before i took him in he was very thin and now he is healthy and beutiful!!
Iv seen threads on here of people forgetting to lock the doors of their enclosure and the animal escaped aso im not the only one who made a mistake!!!!

When i post up pics of him they all say "he is beautiful, what a lovely snake!"
If he looked *SICK or BAD *people would tell me!!
But he isnt, and thats thanks to ME!!!!
I fed him up to get him to his normal weight, i took 8 ticks of him and de-mited him!!
Amd with the shedding issue i DID make a mistake!! And i had srayed him and bumped up the humidity before i was even told to!
I knew it wasnt the best molt but i didnt know it was a TERRIBLE molt but i do NOW and i WONT let it happen again!!

I LOVE him and am doing the best i can for him!!!!

You are just focusing on the mistakes iv made and saying that You feel sorry for him!!!

Im not sure i want to continue on this forum anymore.
If this is the way some people on this forum treat me instead of kindly giving me advice then i quit..

Last edited by Reptilegal; 07-29-12 at 08:38 PM.. Reason: Add more
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Old 07-29-12, 08:40 PM   #9
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Re: Close call!!

Originally Posted by KKgal View Post
So you took your snake outside, and you were basically 16 feet away from him, if i did the conversion correctly, and instead of keeping your eye on him every second you were outside, you got distracted by something else. Seriously, this is not something i'd be writing about, it paints you in a very poor light as an owner, and did you even consider what could have happened if he did escape from your property?

I know you said you are a very sensitive person, but right now, with this added to your husbandry, all consideration to your feelings go out the window. What is important right now is your snake, and if you can't properly take care of it, then maybe you should find someone who can.

If you consider this rude, then so be it. I'm more concerned for your snakes health and safety at the moment.......
Yes i did consider what would happen if he escaped from the property,
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Old 07-29-12, 10:30 PM   #10
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Re: Close call!!

Did you just compare a snake to a human? Humans don't come with instructional care sheets, you must be daft?
Or are you a troll in a closet?
Sorry if that's rude but "I'm only human" means squat when it's such a blatant disregard for the snakes well being.
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Old 07-30-12, 12:09 AM   #11
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Re: Close call!!

If people dont think i care for my snake,
And they are worried about its welfare then that their problem.
Like i said, i happily take information from people telling me if iv done something wrong but NOT from rude people!! Thats just me and if you dont like it then TOUGH LUCK!!
Some or alot of the people forget that i am only human and i make mistakes and i know that most of the ppl have made mistakes with their snakes but they werent brave enough to share it on here.
Im not saying ANYMORE!!!
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Old 07-30-12, 04:13 AM   #12
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Re: Close call!!

I think it's time to take up herb gardening or something. Your posts are entirely too painful for me to read any more. I can't stand it.
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Old 07-30-12, 05:15 AM   #13
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Re: Close call!!

Wow Reptilegal. Your attitude and justification for everything is quite alarming and childish. "Being human" is a cheap excuse to justify your actions. Maybe you should actually think first before you start broadcasting your shortcomings to the world. If you think people are going to support your negligence you've been sorely mistaken. Your posts and actions have been very questionable thus far.
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Old 07-30-12, 05:16 AM   #14
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Re: Close call!!

Before I even start to say my opinion I would like to know how old you are....
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Old 07-30-12, 07:05 AM   #15
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Re: Close call!!

If all you post are the mistakes that you are making then people only have a limited amount of information to base their opinion on!

Two post within a week of fairly major welfare issues will NOT give anyone a good opinion of your ability to care for this animal properly.
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