Originally Posted by GarterPython
My other question is this. My friend used to have a Crested Gecko and it died because it broke its back in a fall. He is willing to give it to me if I give him a game called Skyrim in return.
Sounds like you are getting the raw end of the deal there mate
Now, I would say yes, a baby IJ can and will live happily in a 12x12x16 for quite a while. Put something in there so the wee one can climb, 2 hides and a water bowl. I keep my tank at about 77 cold side 82-83 warm side and about 88-90 for basking. A few degrees here and there doesn't seem to bother them. No humidity needs (ambient room of 40-50%, up to 65-70% during shed). If I were you I would get it switched to f/t rats asap.
IJ's are the smallest of the carpets. 4.5-5' for male and 5.5'-6' female. Could get bigger, might stay on the small side.