About a week an a half ago when I tended to the snakes I saw one of them had a few small lacerations on the edges of his stomach scales, I've got a picture of it... he was in shed when I took this shot
Poor Benny by
cat.read, on Flickr
Around that time he started becoming a little flinchy when I went to pick him up and even rattled his tail at me once. However, since I noticed it I went out and bought a RUB to house him in, changed substrate to kitchen towel, gave him the opportunity to drink water each day but did not leave a water dish in with him to avoid raising humidity, and cleaned the RUB out routinely. Since then there are no longer any lacerations on his stomach, it seems to have cleared up completely. He also seems to be more active and is eating better too. Also he no longer flinches when I touch him.
I can't think what would have caused it
I've had him for 8 years and had never experienced this before. His main viv is currently under renovation and he will be moved back in within the next few days. From the picture does it look like scale rot? or could it have been something else? Just not sure what caused it in the first place.