Those igs are gorgeous and I just love looking at pics of them. I've two of my own that enslave me, but every ig has its own unique look and I never tire of seeing other folks' pics.
Roxy doesn't look thin to me in that pic, was she working on some eggs at the time? I'd say her belly looked a nice size for an adult ig. She looks quite healthy with a nicely filled out tail base and cute slightly rounded thighs.
I'm not quite such a slave yet! Amazon is only about 14 inches, would probably be about 22 if not for a stub tail and so s/he hasn't learned to throw his weight around yet. Gizmo will have been with me a full month tomorrow and so she has yet to assert her reign over my household. I haven't even gotten the stink eye from her yet, and she's a pretty good size for a 2 year older at 46 inches.
Hopefully these 2 won't gang up on me and start the reign of terror at the same time.
Post more pics!!!!