Well I recieved two infertile clutches, one from each female. I don't know what the issue was but I personally think it was the male as he wasn't a good feeder at the time. Boy have things changed since then!
These animals have grown a ton since I first got them! I keep looking back at pics and the male especially looks like god zilla compared to the old photos! I have begun to monitor his food intake and offer smaller meals. I'm no longer leaving food in the enclosure for all three. Everyone seems to be doing very well and the three are still getting along great! The male has been copulating with the larger female so I would assume the smaller female should start to cycle soon after like the last time.
The male looks massive in this picture, he had a meal not long before. This was 4 days ago.

Here's a few pics of the larger female 4 days after copulation, its been a day or two since her last meal