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Old 04-02-12, 03:02 PM   #1
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Jimmy The Savannah Monitor

I met this guy on Youtube by searching for savannah monitor videos... Here is his video:

I posted a comment on his video:
"Your housing for your sav is nowhere near what it needs to be... Check out for more information. The sub par housing and the rodent feeding is going to cause serious health issues for your sav. It's probably why he's so small for a 1yr old (he looks like what a 4mos old sav would be). Start making the necessary changes or your sav will probably pay for it with his life... I want you to enjoy your sav for a long time, so hopefully you'll do what's necessary..."

He responded:
"@alessia55 what's wrong with the cage? he has a basking spot, water bowl, a hiding spot, and i feed him on a tray because i don't want the sand sticking to the mouse. i don't see whats wrong with feeding him pinkeys because thats what is recommended for savannah monitors. please reply because i don't want an unhealthy monitor, and i really want him to grow!
@alessia55 i just checked out the website.. thanks a lot for showing it to me, but i still don't see why he's so small? I'm going to start feeding him other things like roaches and other things that the website said, but other then that I'm not sure why he's so small , do you know??"

So I messaged him...
"It's obvious that you love your sav and want to do what's best for him. I really recommend you join the forum We have a whole section for savs, with really experienced keepers that will point you in the right direction. I hope you'll come join us there... I really want you to be able to make sure you have one happy, healthy sav. I have the same goal as you and I want to help you out. The creator of the and websites is on that forum, as well as others who have very happy, healthy savs. You can say I referred you there (my username there is alessia55, same as my youtube name). They're a group of really helpful people who will want to help guide you to the right housing and feeding of your sav so that it lives long and starts to put on some size. Will I see you there?"

He responded...
"I'll go to the website right now. My username is going to be JimmyTheMonitor if its available."

And that's his username: JimmyTheMonitor
He gave me permission to copy-paste these conversations in here for you all to see.

This guy clearly cares about his sav and wants advice. I'm certainly no expert, but there are quite a few of you who are really good at this stuff, and I told him he could find you guys here for the help he needs. I want to make sure he gets the right information (which I personally might not have). He'll join us on this thread soon...
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anatole France
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Old 04-02-12, 03:06 PM   #2
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Re: Jimmy The Savannah Monitor

Good job pointing this guy in the right direction! I look forward to talking to somebody who obviously cares so much about getting his animal healthy.
Originally Posted by A Whimsical Observer
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Old 04-02-12, 03:15 PM   #3
Uncle Brady
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Re: Jimmy The Savannah Monitor

good job cant wait to meet him! lets get the sav healthy
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Old 04-02-12, 03:23 PM   #4
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Re: Jimmy The Savannah Monitor

nice, alessia!
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Old 04-02-12, 03:50 PM   #5
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Re: Jimmy The Savannah Monitor

well done... I just approved his thread.
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