So my ball is going through his usual shed. Most of the time he sheds in one piece and it's fine. I actually caught him peeling the skin off for the first time since I've gotten him, and he's seeming to have a hard time with it. There are bits of skin all over his tank and he seems to have gotten the head off. I'm actually watching him try and scrape his body around now with very mild success. I figured I'd wait till morning and see how he does on his own before I start to intervene (let nature take its course and whatnot) but i've never seen him struggle before and don't know what the repercussions of waiting could be.
This is a video of him so you can see where he's at in the process...
Poor Ball Python Shed - YouTube
I sent it to my girlfriend which is why it's a little more personal in the language haha...sorry about that.