This is the post from my other forum, our reptile societies are meeting with them tonight and have been in communication with the Department of Natural Resources to help try to squash this. I'm sorry I don't have more information.
The Town of Windsor, Nova Scotia is proposing a Exotics Pets Bylaw. This bylaw, if passed, will limited all snakes to under 2 feet, no arachnids and includes a "destroy on site" provision for any banned animal found in town. Check out the bylaw at the link below.
Home | Town of Windsor
As I am sure the majority of you are aware a 2 foot limit on snakes is basically a complete ban on all snakes. The council has been quoted as saying they are doing this “...for the protection of citizens, first responders at a scene, and the general public.”
NSHS is preparing a formal letter to Windsor town council which outlines our position and will be at the reading of the bylaw.
We encourage all reptile keepers, even non residents of Windsor, to speak out against this bylaw. This bylaw, if passed, could set a very dangerous example if other towns/municipalities look at implementing similar bylaws. Eventually our hobby could be out lawed if we stand by and do nothing.
We encourage everyone to write a letter to the editor of the Hants Journal in order to make the public aware of the issue. Please remember to keep these letters respectful and intelligent. Disrespectful, irate letters will only work to hurt our cause. To submit a letter to the editor email Carole Morris-Underhill at and include your full name, community and phone number (used only to confirm you sent the letter, not published).