Hmmmm.... way to discourage a new owner Dave.
I completely disagree!
Weather1 you've asked alot of questions there, so i'll try and give you as much general info as possible in a short post!
IMHO a good beginner chameleon would either be a Veiled or a Panther. Try to get a male if you can. They tend to be prettier and they don't have the reproductive problems the females MAY develope. You can keep a few females together in the same cage, but males can be intolerant to other males, so they do better by themselves. You can keep pairs in the same cage, but the males will eventually try to breed with the females, and if she is not interested, this can cause a big stress level for her. For the most part they are not socialable animals so keeping just one in a cage is fine.
Care wise they are a little more difficult than most lizards, but not impossible. They require a high humidity level that you can achieve by misting with HOT water, or the use of foggers or humidifiers. They are insectavores and like a wide variety of prey bugs. Crickets, superworms, silkworms, waxworms are all good feeder insects for them. I even catch wild-caught bugs in the summer. They LOVE grasshoppers! As with any other lizard, they do require vitamin supplementation on their insects. For babies, dust the bugs daily, for juvies maybe 2 or 3 times a week and for the adults dusting once a week is fine.
Cage wise, they need an vertical, all screened enclosure. Tanks are NOT good for them! There is little airflow in a tank, and with all the heavy misting they require, that can lead to a bacterial buildup in the tank. Also it is hard to achieve a nice temperature gradient inside an aquarium. The minimum size for a cage would be 18"x18"x36 although 24"x24"x48" is prefered. Fill the cage with non-toxic plants and lots of sticks for them to climb on.
Here are the best websites on Chameleon husbandry for you:
And a non-toxic plant list:
I'm sure I'm missing a pile of information for you Weather1, so feel free to ask some more specific questions if you need!
Good Luck!
P.S. I'm currently writing care sheets for chameleons and they will be posted on ssnakess shortly.