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Old 01-10-03, 07:42 PM   #1
boa maniac
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Boa's of the C.A. island's

here's some representatives of the different Boa C. Imperators found on the many islands scattered along the central american coast line!!! These are just some of the Boa's we own!!!
hope you enjoy!!!!

here is the northern most island representative of the Island boa's,

ambergis caye located just south of mexico, along the belize border.

next we go south to the island of caye calker

now we fly down Cayo De Los Co Chinos and we check out the famous hog island boa's, this is betty line, the hog islands in this line are direct descendents of the original hog islands that were first imported into the U.S..

then we cruise east to Isles De Bahai and check out the baye island boa!!!

now we head south to just off the coast of nicaragua to Islas Del Maiz, the corn islands!!!

now, finally we cruize east into the carribian sea off the coast of nicaragua and costa rica, were we find the island of san andreas!!!

thanx all, more boas to come soon!!!!

Last edited by boa maniac; 01-10-03 at 07:47 PM..
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Old 01-10-03, 08:30 PM   #2
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Very nice!! Especially the last one
I look Fear straight in the eyes and laugh my head off!!
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Old 01-10-03, 08:35 PM   #3
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Agreeed! Can we please see more shots of san andreas? Do you have any of these available yet?
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Old 01-10-03, 08:55 PM   #4
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Beautiful animals! I especially like the ambergis caye and san andreas!
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Old 01-10-03, 09:03 PM   #5
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wow.. nice stuff...
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Old 01-10-03, 11:17 PM   #6
boa maniac
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thanx all, i dont expect to produce any san andreas for at least another year. There are only 33 San Andreas in captivity today. And in all likely hood less then that on the island itself. Out of the 33, we have 10. Also, it should be noted that, out of the 33 only 11 of them are female, we have 5 females so far, and are in the process of obtaining the only 4 females that are in the states along with a few more males. We might possibly be willing to sell a few males, that we do not need for breeding since we will already have enough males as it is. But we would need a promiss note not to breed this Boa with any other sub-species, and within the next few years once we have succesfully produced some neonites we will then have some females available. This Boa is extremely rare and may possible be a seperate subspecies of the Boa constrictor such as boa c. nebulosa and the boa c. orphias. We have been in contact with some respectable individuals in the Boa community to help us determine if in fact the San andreas is a seperate species or just another sub species of the Boa Constrictor Imperator. A couple of our San Andreas are almost pure white.

heres a an image we posted in a prior thread

Linds, thanx, the Ambergis cayes are one of my favorites as well. In person the female is so beautiful, her entire body has a soft pink coloration, I just wish I could have showed that in the picture, maybe I should try a different color back ground??
Anyways, the Boa's on Ambergis Caye island are almost extinct because of the major housing developements on that island. Our pair was brought into United States by a wealthy reality agent, and I am not sure if there is any other Ambergis cayes in captivity, we may possibly have the only pair. All I know is that, they cost me an arm and a leg, but I am truly looking forward in producing more of these babies. I can't help it, I am a locality nut and I will not stop till I have them all. Basically, the only reason why we opened a Reptile and Amphibain specialty store was so that we can raise enough money so that we can collect every locality specific Boa constrictor there is!!! I want them all, I want to be the first person in the world who has every locality specific Boa Constrictor there is. I am almost there too. just a few expensive rare ones, and then its off to the jungles and islands I go to collect the more extremely rarer one's. I think everyone should have a life goal!!! I found mine!!! *smile*
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Old 01-10-03, 11:20 PM   #7
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I love them all!!
Stictly Constrictors

With time comes experience, with experience comes success!!
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Old 01-10-03, 11:32 PM   #8
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I hope all your breeding plans work out for you! They are all very nice animals.

Good luck
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Old 01-11-03, 03:09 PM   #9
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Wow... very cool to see the differences Good stuff...
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