Hello! as you may had read from the title of this post, I'm actually from Costa Rica. I've been a fishkeeper for a loong time, I also kept some
Rieppeleon brevicaudatus before, ATM i'm keeping a baby
Epicrates maurus, she is a costarrican Rainbow Boa, I got her from a snake-house near my house...
Here at Costa Rica snake keeping is HIGHLY forbidden if you don't have the proper paperwork, and you actually can't sell snakes at all, so this snake-house is the only place with the permission to sale snakes, and they actually sell a very good quality stock. My
Epicrates maurus is actually an F1 breed from a wild caught snake... Here at my country you can find snakes almost everywhere,
Boa constrictor imperator can be found in most long grass places or on rainforest... But well enough of talking about Costa Rica... I entered the forum looking for people who shared the same passion I have with herpethology. I'm an aviation student and DIE for rock... so that would be it for an introduction!
Here's a photo of my baby: