Thank guys. That one was so hard - it was directly because of me being negligent. But, most of all because of how the little angel died.
Lots of tears in our house for quite a few days.
I did want to clarify - I don't water my chams only twice a week. I wouldn't want anyone to think that that's appropriate.
All my chams are misted at length twice daily, as well as a dripper run once a day (twice for the Jackson's - they love to drink) for about an hour. I like to throw them in a nice warm, steamy shower once a week to get a really good drink. Pumpkin got extra because he was so cute and loved his shower so much. I do think underhydrating is the one thing most of us are guilty of. And expectedly so - it takes up an awful lot of time & water!! In the wild it doesn't rain for a ten minute misting once or twice a day.... If you haven't tried showering your chams - make sure the water is good and warm, put in a plant or tree and aim the shower head at the wall so the droplets spatter back. Unless you're a really good cham mom/dad and have a light setting on your shower. Shut the bathroom door and let them stay in there for 1/2 an hour - 45 minutes. Check the water temp frequently - and don't let the kids flush the toilet.
I find that "shower" day is the only time my veileds drink really well. The others all run for their drippers everyday.
Sorry if I'm talking about really obvious stuff for most of you ... just rambling.