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Old 08-17-11, 03:55 PM   #1
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Why waste money on heat lamps?

Ball Pythons don't need them, why are you wasting money on them? Why waste money on a screen top that allows humidity to escape when you can use a piece of wood and a brick?

Boggles my mind folks.
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Old 08-17-11, 04:04 PM   #2
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Some people have the opinion radiant heat is better than underneath or on the side. I personally think from the side is just fine, my snakes seem healthy.
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Old 08-17-11, 04:49 PM   #3
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Belly heat is best for most snakes, ambient is still important though.
Screen tops are also just asking for nose rub.

I personally like uth's for most terrariums and RHP/UTH combos for larger ones.
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Old 08-17-11, 04:51 PM   #4
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

I go with flexwatt and a RHP for my ball.. he is in a 4' x 2' x 18" viv and his heat and humidity have been spot on for a few months. I am scared of fires and other issues heat lamps can cause...
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Old 08-17-11, 06:03 PM   #5
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by Dehlida View Post
Ball Pythons don't need them, why are you wasting money on them? Why waste money on a screen top that allows humidity to escape when you can use a piece of wood and a brick?

Boggles my mind folks.
why make annoying posts?
boggles my mind broseph.
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Old 08-17-11, 06:12 PM   #6
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
why make annoying posts?
boggles my mind broseph.
How is this an annoying post, it's 100% legitimate- heat lamps are 100% waste for ball pythons unless you live in like, antartica and your house isn't heated.

Stop trying to be a troll, you're failing, and you know NOTHING about reptile husbandry as demonstrated by your posts.
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Old 08-17-11, 06:16 PM   #7
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Round 1 *Ding, ding*

@Delila I use lights for my night and day cycle, I just have 40w smoked bulbs. As for the screen lid they are ok when modified.
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Old 08-17-11, 06:31 PM   #8
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by Dehlida View Post
How is this an annoying post, it's 100% legitimate- heat lamps are 100% waste for ball pythons unless you live in like, antartica and your house isn't heated.

Stop trying to be a troll, you're failing, and you know NOTHING about reptile husbandry as demonstrated by your posts.
i like how you keep personally attacking me and my "apparent lack of husbandry knowledge"

let me go ahead and elaborate. what was the point of your post? to tell people that heat bulbs are inferior and not to be used? i for one think you're wrong and the point you're making only has half validity. i have a screen top with a CHE and everything is perfectly fine. to each his own is something you don't seem to understand.for you it either seems to be your way, or they're an idiot.

also i think its funny that you call me a troll just because i have issues with the things you say. i certainly have the right to debate your point if i think it's stupid or invalid. show a PINCH of respect by at least knowing the facts before you pointlessly slander people.

Last edited by TeaNinja; 08-17-11 at 06:44 PM..
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Old 08-17-11, 06:32 PM   #9
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Well I guess I live In antartica haha? My ambient temp is NO were near correct without my low wattage heat lamp. My girl has a belly heat under one hide but it does not keep the rest of the tank at correct temps. Not waste of money for me. Keeps my girl from freezing :S brrr
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Old 08-17-11, 07:09 PM   #10
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
i like how you keep personally attacking me and my "apparent lack of husbandry knowledge"

let me go ahead and elaborate. what was the point of your post? to tell people that heat bulbs are inferior and not to be used? i for one think you're wrong and the point you're making only has half validity. i have a screen top with a CHE and everything is perfectly fine. to each his own is something you don't seem to understand.for you it either seems to be your way, or they're an idiot.

also i think its funny that you call me a troll just because i have issues with the things you say. i certainly have the right to debate your point if i think it's stupid or invalid. show a PINCH of respect by at least knowing the facts before you pointlessly slander people.
I've been keeping and breeding snakes for 15 years. Seal the top of the enclosure, and put a working under tank heater. All the heat will be trapped inside. You get nice ambient air temps, your humidity stays inside the cage, and you still get the amazing benefit of the UTH aiding digestion.

Yeah, let's get a bulb and a screen top and dry out our cage forcing us to mist all the time while throwing light at nocturnal/underground dwelling snakes. I'll enjoy never having to do a bit of work with my animals because it's self maintaining
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Old 08-17-11, 07:15 PM   #11
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Guys let's not start again. Many people have different opinions and there isn't just one right answer always. Just step back, take a deep breath and respect each others opinions.
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 08-17-11, 07:30 PM   #12
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by youngster View Post
Guys let's not start again. Many people have different opinions and there isn't just one right answer always. Just step back, take a deep breath and respect each others opinions.
I stated something, it wasn't trolling, and it wasn't a worthless post.

This tea guy follows me around like a lost defeated puppy looking for a fight at every turn, it's pretty funny.

However, seeing as though it's an "opinion" how come nearly every big snake breeder will agree that UTH are better than lamps?
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Old 08-17-11, 07:33 PM   #13
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

My two cents. Dehlida, no question you are EXTREMELY knowledgable, and have VAST experience. No one can take that from you and your points are often correct husbandry wise. That being said, you're also a jerk sometimes. Let me ask you somethin. When you first started in the hobby, "15 years ago", did you know everything already? I'm just asking because you really seem to expect everyone here to! The way you say things, whether the facts are correct or not, are condescending, judgemental, self-ritcheous, and often plain mean. Me, having a tough skin, can easily ignore these things and enjoy the forum usually. However, it is a trend that 99% of posts you participate in result in arguing or people needing to defend their husbandry and responsibility as owners. It's getting agitating. Again, I really respect you as a source of knowledge, and as a keeper of animals. However, in my opinion you have a lot to learn in regards of how to treat people/say things. I don't mean this in an aggressive or attacking manner, and i apologize if you are offended. I only wrote this because i hope maybe you'll consider some of the things i addressed, because i know for certain that every single person on this forum can learn loads from you, but a lot of us won't because of how you present your information.

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Old 08-17-11, 07:34 PM   #14
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by Dehlida View Post
I stated something, it wasn't trolling, and it wasn't a worthless post.

This tea guy follows me around like a lost defeated puppy looking for a fight at every turn, it's pretty funny.

However, seeing as though it's an "opinion" how come nearly every big snake breeder will agree that UTH are better than lamps?
I never said you were trolling or anything, and in fact I very much agree that uth is better in most cases. But if Tea's snake is healthy with the conditions he's in there's no need for this. I come here for learning about snakes not for a soap opera
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 08-17-11, 07:50 PM   #15
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

I come here for learning about snakes not for a soap opera

Best thing ever said. You should use it in your signature.

Anyways to keep humidity up, and for those that do live in colder places than say where a Ball normally lives, it might be better for a Heat Lamp to be used...even a low watt one. I myself find it useful to use a low watt heat lamp during the winter for my hognose and my 2 leopard geckos because I prefer a cooler house in the winter. The temps in my home can get well below what would be good for the reptiles I keep and to be honest I think ambient heat is much better during those times than just relying on local heat an UTH gives. During the Summer months it gets durn hot here in I normally don't even have to use a UTH. Temps in the house are usually pretty hot, around 80+ degrees during the day during Summer months.

As for the screen top...plenty of owners own the aquarium before they own the snake. Easier to put some plastic wrap or other heat/humidity keeping technique with the screen top rather than buying an entirely new enclosure or new top. Not all of us keep our snakes in plastic tubs (which I myself don't like the idea of for the "casual" snake owner).
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

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