Thanks for your help. We have never seen any snake this large before on the island. My husband was born here and I have lived here for 27 years. Since it didn't have any definite stripes down the length of it, we weren't sure if it was a garter or not. I found a different range map that says that the western terrestrial wandering garter snake
does live here on the island after all. Go figure. And I guess our sweet little 'red racers' are actually 'common garter snakes'. Always good to learn new things

Sssooo I guess we are pretty sure it is a Western Terrestrial (Wandering) Garter Snake, right?
Thanks again!
PS we went back the next day (unfortunately without a camera) and it was in the same general area basking and fat once again!

Do you suppose it's full of babies or just eating a lot all the time?