Thanks so much for getting back to me! that helps me out alot
I went out today and got everything for my cage
I have a low Watt heat lamp and heated floor mat for my heated end with a hide spot
I used Breeders Choice kitty litter for the flooring (ill see how that goes as i can always chop and change)
And i also have another hide spot at the cooler end of the cage aswell as a small water bowl.
Atm he is in a large container untill hes a bit bigger to fit the larger cage so everything should be dandy
The one thing im worried about is the food the breeder is feeding them
He is feeding the mice and rats aswell as the chicken at turkey so its not one ford sorce. The Parts of the chick he is feeding them in the end part of the chicken wing and even chicken neck and hearts, he said how his darwin carpets love them!
Is this mixture okay to feed? What would be the main issue if i was occasionaly feeding him chicken wings with mice?
Your help is great so thanks again
and yes i will have picutres up as soon as i pick the little fella up!!!