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Old 06-25-11, 01:34 PM   #1
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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I have to say I have seen some really good deals on tanks and what not near me but I just was reading through and saw an add that made me want to slap someone.
I saw an add for a 55 gallon fish tank for sale with 3 corn snakes in it along with all there decor and set up for $50 all 3 snakes are said to be about 2ft.
IDK if I want to get into getting them, separating them, qt and them most likely trying to re-home them to people that give a damn. I don't have space at this point in time to keep them and I have a feeling I would fall in love with at least 1 if not all 3....

WHAT TO DO?!?!?! lol
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Old 06-25-11, 01:39 PM   #2
The Scorpion Whisperer
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Re: craigslist...?!

Though people haven't agreed to it I housed 2 corn snakes in a large tank when I first got them. They were housed together when I bought them from the breeder and so I continued to do the same. Now as far as the tank size goes I dunno, I don't even remember the size tank I had when I had my corns. Just because you are housing snakes together does not instantly mean bad owner or someone who couldn't "give a damn" as you said.
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

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Old 06-25-11, 01:51 PM   #3
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: craigslist...?!

I never once said they where a bad owner or they didn't give a damn...Dont judge me that fast seeing as text has no emotion. Maybe how I worded it was wrong but I also don't agree with housing corns together.
I'm was simply wanting to make sure that if I get them and do decide to re-home them it will be hard seeing as I would be really picky to make sure that the people getting them would care as much about them as I would (and that they gave a damn). I am put off by people that bye whats cool just to get bored with it and sell it.

Think what you wish about me I will not be bothered at all
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Old 06-25-11, 01:59 PM   #4
The Scorpion Whisperer
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Re: craigslist...?!

Hey Gun, I am not judging you in any shape form or fashion. I really don't judge people on here one way or the other....and if I do it isn't off a single post. I just read the words and go from there. I used your words in my post (I assume it is my use of your words "give a damn" that has got you defensive).

You seemed pretty upset and I was just trying to reassure you that housing them together wasn't like a cardinal sin or something. I understand you don't like housing corns together and I am cool with that. Honestly these days I wouldn't house corns together...but when I did house my two guys together they didn't seem stressed, they didn't attack one another, and they never missed a meal. By snake standards I think that is pretty good.

Why not just take a breath and decide for yourself if you can house the snakes the way you want to until you find them a new home...or if you want to find them a new home. What advice do you want more than that?
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

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Old 06-25-11, 02:01 PM   #5
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: craigslist...?!

I am not upset at all... nor did I want advice was simply venting a little piece of what I read onto here ....
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Old 06-25-11, 02:16 PM   #6
Snake Child
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Re: craigslist...?!

if you do get them i could probably take one off your hands. i certainly give a damn. and im in the next state over from you
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 06-25-11, 02:40 PM   #7
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: craigslist...?!

lol... will keep that in mind.
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