Looking for a little handling advice
So, my girl is almost a year old coastal. About 3 1/2 feet. Ive been working with her whenever i catch her out of her hide, trying to get her used to me. I place my hand in the tank, starting at the opposite end and work closer. Yesterday i made it with half inch of her nose and she seemed totally cool. Then i picked her up and she pretty much bugged. Although she didn't strike at me at all, she was flailing back and forth and desperately trying to escape. I instantly put her down, im not just doing this for me i dont want to over stress her. I just want her handlable, i understand she'll never be cuddly or watever. I was just wondering what i should do in this situation. If i pick her up and she flees, is it ok to just gently restrain her so she realizes i wont hurt her? Or should i put her right down and let her be? I want her to be happy, i know she'll never love handling but i want her to be calm. Any advive or constructive criticism greatly appreciated.