I have a fairly large glass aquarium that was made for my pine snake, and I'm starting to get really anxious to move him into it is as the enclosure he is in now is way too small for him. Only problem is I have yet to make a lid.
How to Make an Aquarium Lid | eHow.com
That was the plan I was thinking of following because it seems pretty simple but I was worried about how secure it would actually be... He's pretty big and strong, and the aquarium isn't too tall so it will be easy for him to push against the top. The webpage says to puchuse clips, but I don't really understand that. My corn snake has clips on her lid, and they slide under the black edgeing of the tank to keep it down. The larger aquarium I want to move Richard into doesn't have anything like that on it, it's just glass... I'll try to find my camera and take a picture because I'm bad at explaining things...
I just wanted to know what everyone else thought about this, or if they had any better plans I could use.