So last night i bought a brand new enclosure for my coastal. Doubled in size from my old 20 gallon. 3 hides, some vines and branches and stuff to climb. New digital therm and higher wattage bowls. Also bought me a frozen rat to attempt my first feeding. I put it in a cup of hot watr to thaw it out, making the head extra hot. I used m tongs to dangle it in front of her, and within one minute she was on that **** like white on rice. Constricted it for about 3 minutes even tho it was dead, and swallowed it. Whole process took about 25 minutes. How amazing this act was. This rat was about 2-2.5x her girth, and she showed noo problems getting it down. Now she's just chillin with a lump in her belly lookin content. I didn't think it would be this awesome, but i am SO happy i decided to buy a snake. Now with this first successful feeding and peace of mind from having the perfect enclosure, its all downhill from here. I just wana say thanks to all you guys that answered my novice questions. The first few days of this process would have been a lot harder for me and my Nesta without you all.