She's currently in a front opening tank. I was advised that it's not best as it's just as tall as it is wide... but I do try to approach her from the side rather than from above. I have another tank that I plan to move her too eventually (again, when she's eating regularly). But that one opens from the top.

Not sure if I should keep her in her current- she seems to like to climb.
She was born in June so still fairly young.
My intention was to get her eating on a regular basis before I handle her. Having her eat is a higher priority to me than handling her. I haven't wanted to stress her out by handling, for fear she wont eat. Once she's eating I planned to start slowly handling her.
She didn't eat last week so I imagine she's hungry again. I'm pissy when I'm hungry too.
I like the idea of a hook. Well, I don't like it. I would LIKE if she liked me. But I appreciate the suggestions. Keep 'em coming. All I want is a happy snake.
Do any of you think the "peek a boo" behavior is abnormal? Half the time she has her head poking out of her humidity box. Not sure if she's on alert, hunting or just naturally curious.