Hey All.
I know its been a looooooong time since I last posted anything. I've just been so swamped.
Since last being on here, I've gotten married, moved into my own place, started working 12+ hours a day, and finally started making tracks into building 2 new cages.
14" high on the interior. 12" high with substrate;
Currently 24" deep. 22" once completed;
Approximately 3'6" across. Interior will be around 3' 3" once completed;
Heated using Flexwatt;
Floor will be made of tile;
Most materials salvaged from work;
Lit interior;
Total cost so far: $30 for 2 14" lights and 6 3" vents.
So far I've spent 2-3 evenings over the space of 2 weeks getting to the stage I'm at.
From the last cage I've learn't not to build so tall, these cages are a full 6" shorter on the interior. I've also learn't not to vent the cage too much or it won't hold humidity.
I framed these cages, clad the exterior and then filled the spaces in the frame with styrofoam. This serves two purposes, first it'll keep the cages warmer meaning I won't need the UTH so high and won't require heat lamps. It also provides a base for me to build decorative walls using grout.
First: Basic Plans
Second: Cage interior so far
Third: Vents and light switch. I wired in a wall switch, in the previous picture the blue box in the back of the switch.
Fourth: Light
Fifth: Light in the dark
Both cages are identical so I only posted the pictures of one. The only difference between them is vent layout as they are designed to sit side by side.
I'm still working on plans for the front and doors.