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Old 02-02-11, 03:19 AM   #1
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Gertchoo now son gertcha!

YouTube - Chas And Dave - Gertcha [totp2]

YouTube - I'm Considering a Move to Memphis Music Video

Hiya folks I haven`t been in the forum for a good while and I`ve had a couple of forum friends contact me recently so I thought I`d better get myself in here and say hello! I`ve finally finished my workshop and it`s now up and running so I`m in there as often as I`m able at the moment. It`s super nice to be sat at a bench again and I`ve already got various people placing orders for jewellery. Of course I`ve got my snakes to look after aswell, they`re doing well, although I did lose a couple fo Corns a while back. Very sad that. I`d grown one of them on since it was a baby too It looks like the problem was a female snow I`d bought in as fresh stock. Quaranteen wouldn`t have helped a bit because the bloody thing still seems fine so it`s obviously immune to whatever it gave my other Corns. I`m waiting on a nice fresh turd to take in to my herp very at the moment to try and see if we can find out what it is. Unfortunatly I may be forced into an unpleasant and tough decision with this. Going any further than simple testing will, as the vet put it, cost a fortune. I`m as certain as I can be that this snake is carrying a deadly virus. Lets hope I can find out what it is and get it treated, after all, it`s a beautiful Corn.
I`ve also been busy doing some computer aided design models for my wife who is an architect. She`s been after a modelling gimp for ages! lol Now she`s got one. Mind you, the programs I`ve learned are very useful for my workshop too and my other project I`m about to start on. This one is super duper exciting. I`m about to start work on an observatory for my scope I`m just waiting for the frosts to stop and I can get a builder in to do some concreting and then I can get started I can`t tell you how excited I am about that! So that`s what I`m doing and planning and thinking about etc... How have you lot been?
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Last edited by Feebo; 02-02-11 at 03:24 AM..
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Old 02-02-11, 04:22 AM   #2
domi adsum
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Greetings Feebs! Good to hear from you! Sounds like you've got a lot to keep you busy! Sorry to hear about your corns mate. I hope you get everything figured out cheaply. Love to see some picture of your workshope when you get a chance and of course Feebo's Observatory!

Cheers Mate!
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 02-02-11, 09:22 AM   #3
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Hi Feebs! Glad to see you back on! I'm so sorry to hear about your corn...testing can definitely get up there in dollars. My fiasco with Baby the SD retic I lost back in December cost me $542 and that is only if the paramyxovirus isolation test comes back positive. If not, then they have to do another $160 test to check for Ophidian West Nile virus. I really hope you get to the bottom of it; in the meantime, I would isolate that snake. Isolation is the best thing you can do. If it's got a virus, keeping it away from your other snakes should hopefully protect them. There are definitely some viruses that colubrids can carry but not be affected by, but usually they are viruses that would take down pythons/boas in your collection and not other corns. Best of luck and sorry for your losses.
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Old 02-02-11, 12:34 PM   #4
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Cheers Unfortunatly these things happen when you keep animals. Especially the more tropical ones and especially when you keep so many I suppose. I`ll take some workshop pictures tommorrow Pressy ;D
So how have you twoz been doing?
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Old 02-02-11, 02:03 PM   #5
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Nice to see you back buddy. Sorry to hear about your corns. Hope everything works out. Can wait to see some more pics of your jewelery work. Once our observatory i can wait to see some more great pics of the planets. cheers
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Old 02-02-11, 02:31 PM   #6
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Are you a jeweler jeweler (sp) like use cad to design or are you making your stuff hands on? I ask because a guy i know with a really friendly red tail boa has a GF that does the cad thing and works for a jewelery store.
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Old 02-02-11, 05:18 PM   #7
domi adsum
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Originally Posted by Feebo View Post
I`ll take some workshop pictures tommorrow Pressy ;D
So how have you twoz been doing?
Great, I can't wait to see them! I have been doing well. Surviving the grueling Minnesota winter. I am working on picking up a pair of scrubbies this weekend. Kim, Percy, Chuck and Freebody helped to convince me!
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 02-02-11, 05:24 PM   #8
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Crikey! Good luck with those, you`ll need it....
I`m a goldsmith yep I`ll use the cad if ever someone wanted to see what something`s going to look like but I generally just work straight from my bonce ;D
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Old 02-03-11, 05:44 PM   #9
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Thanks Feebs! I'm excited! Just about have the quarantine cages ready. I'll be sure to update once I get them!
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 02-03-11, 09:21 PM   #10
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Sorry to hear about your corn snakes...hopefully all your other snakes stay nice and healthy!

And don't be shy about posting your work, it's amazing to see what a goldsmith can do!
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Old 02-04-11, 05:51 AM   #11
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Re: Gertchoo now son gertcha!

Here we go, one workshop

I`ve since insulated the roof because it was too cold in there. That`s actually made it look a lot nicer too. As for my work, I`ve always worked for big companies so I`m not really in posession of any photos or anything but I do have one photo of a brooch I did years and years ago. I think I`ve already shown that to you but I can find the thread.

That`s not the best example of my work really but I`ll be photographing everything now so I`ll be sure to share
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