Welcome! Glad to hear you're keeping snakes again..we'd love to see pics!
You chose the right one; Morelia's are very addicting snakes...I'm sure this thread will be flooded with comments from other Morelia keepers!
You are absolutely correct, baby JCPs are very snappy, but wouldn't you be snappy if you were small, bright yellow, and surrounded by predators?! Your new snake is likely stressed from the move, so I'd let the little gal or guy settle in for about a week before you start "training" it...when I say settling in, I mean isolation; no handling unless absolutely necessary, and cage visits only to check temps and humidity, fill water, and clean messes. If you can provide this very difficult (for you) week of isolation, you should have a much happier, less stressed, JCP to begin training.
As Rob mentioned, let the little bugger bite you and don't show any signs of fear (i.e., flinching or jumping). After the isolation period is complete, use confident, but gentle movements to remove him/her from the viv. If you don't want to get bit, use gloves, but a bite from a 9 week old JCP won't hurt a bit! Try to avoid "dallying" around when removing her/him from the viv; this can cause unnecessary stress and lead to a more defensive snake (i.e., more biting).
With a bit of patience and self-control, you should have a wonderful pet JCP on your hands! I've been "training" my JCP for about 2 months now, and it has been at least 4 weeks since I've been tagged (she tagged my girlfriend last night though! She's a daddy's girl
Good luck and post some pics after the week of isolation!