Originally Posted by Damion930
that's an amazing pic beautiful and what's chuffed. mean lol I get the jist in the context its used but never heard it b4
if im chuffed for you
im really really happy,glad that its went really well for you and excited for you
proud and content that you've achieved your goal or challenge you took up
for example, im really chuffed your wife and you have just had the son you always wanted (after having three daughters and always wanting a baby boy )
hope that clears it up for you mate
would'nt worry too much about the launguage barrier
i had to get wayne to tell me what a wardrobe was called in the states
after a guy asked if he could make a vivarium out of one ?
cant remember the american word for it though,but it had me stumped
im using the queens english as they call it on here
if i added the scottish spin on it even the english folk on here from the uk would have trouble understanding
farru a bootz iz at ? = where is that ?
cheers shaun