If anyone remembers, I shattered the front of my green snake cage, I eventually moved him to Chompers old cage.
When I built it, I used 2 sheets of wood on the front with a spacer to clamp the glass in place.
This left a 1/2 inch gap inside the construction that had a small 1/2 x 1 inch opening way up high in the left front corner. (I never noticed)
Tonight when I went in to feed Dewie, I could not find him.
The top of the cage is screwed down with wood screws, so I have to use a screwdriver to open the cage.
Now this math is not adding up.... Missing snake, top screwed on tight?? where in the heck did my snake go??
While looking around inside the cage, I see a green head poke out and look at me, then vanish back into the wall.
After a quick disassembly with a screwdriver, we found Dewie sandwiched between the two layers of wood.
I have since filled in the gap, then re-assembled the cage.
Before anyone asks, I label my 12 volt bulbs so I don't accidentally put one in an ordinary household socket and blow the bulb up...