Re: get humidity level up. Help!
If it's a screen top, cover 3/4 of it with something impermeable. Plexi looks best, but plastic wrap will work.
What kind of hygrometer are you using? Is it an analogue one? The dial kind? Those are very very inaccurate and become more inaccurate over time. Invest in an electronic one (electronic thermometer+hygrometer with probe is only like $10 at walmart/lowes/etc)
Also, take a small plastic dish, just big enough for your snake to fit inside. Cut two holes in it for your snake to enter it, and line it with wet paper towels. This will create a humid hide for your snake with near 100% humidity. You can also use damp sphagnum moss instead of paper towels, but the paper towels are easier to replace if soiled.
If he develops a bad shed. Get or make a snake bag (breathable coarse natural cloth, like burlap, or a thick rough cotton), wet it with warm water, insert the snake, and tie it off. Leave it in his enclosure over night. The snake will slither around in the bag over night, while the moisture keeps his shed nice and soft, and the rough texture peels the skin off.
You know you have too many herps when they won't all fit in your sig.