Re: cage size
Because breeders for profit are more interested in the well being of their bank account than the well being of their snakes. Breeders keep animals in small tubs because they can.
Would the snake be happier if it was in a larger enclosure? Probably, but they're not in the business of making happy snakes.
I keep my ball in a 4'L x 2'H x 1'W enclosure, he's got hot, cold, and medium hides, and an elaborate series of climbing branches and vines. He doesn't use it all, all the time, but he does use it all. Before I built this enclosure, he was in a 29 gallon aquarium. Is he happier now? I don't know, it's hard to quantify reptile happiness, but he does eat a lot more easily now, and has room to engage in "natural" hunting activity. (When he's hungry, he hangs upside down from his climbing branches and waits for a rat, then he strikes and hauls it up into the branches to eat) He's not full grown yet, I plan to eventually build him a 4'x2'x2' enclosure and pass his down to my carpet.
You know you have too many herps when they won't all fit in your sig.