Re: Urgent - Kingsnake egg bound??
For starters it is NOT asexual reproduction LOL
Snakes once sexually mature will lay eggs whether they have ever been with a female or not. Of course all of the eggs will be infertile (slugs) but it is a very common occurrance.
If she had been with a male prior they DO have the ability to retain sperm & yes KS will double clutch, again very common.
That said does she have a suitable nesting area in her enclosure?
Is it in a nice quiet low traffic area?
Has she been left alone to do her thing?
A female that is insecure in her surroundings without a suitable lay box will often retain her eggs as long as she possibly can.
Also in the case of "slugging out" (laying infertile eggs) this will quite often take place over the period of a few weeks at times.
If she is not appearing all bunged up by her vent its best to leave her be & let nature run its course.
If she appears all bunged up by her vent intervention is likely required.
As long as none of the eggs break inside of her she can retain them for a very long time with no ill effects.
I have had them retained from first clutch until 2nd clutch & also from second clutch, thru winter brumation & then laid with the first clutch the following year before with no issues.
I have alos had cases where they got all bunged up & died in a couple days, most likley due to an egg rupture & internal poisoning from it.
You cn try & gently express the eggs yourself as well.
Slow steady pressure can sometimes help pop them out, one must be VERY carefull as to not rupture any eggs or to prolapse the female while doing so though & is best left to an experienced person.
If she is not all bunged up & appearring healthy otherwsie you can alos try a small meal if she will take it. Sometimes it will help get things moving in there.
Short baths & handling sessions after a time an help get things moving as well.
Snakes are less likley to have egg binding issues with smaller infertile eggs then they will with large fertile eggs as the smaller ones are of course easier to pass. Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at