Re: Wish i had me camera!!
Ah yes, reticulateds are such beautiful snakes. They are so glossy and smooth, and those, love them. My big girl is a super dwarf and she's almost 9 feet. Dwarfs can get up to 15, but man they are pretty and even at that length they are not particularly heavy-bodied snakes so they won't be as massive overall as Burmese pythons of the same length. The best part is that they are now developing dwarf and superdwarf color morphs, although they'll cost you a pretty penny. I really hope you can convince the wife to at least let you get a superdwarf. They are very intelligent and full of "snake-onality" (snake personality)! I adore my Baby and would be devastated if anything ever happened to her. Only thing you have to watch out for is the feeding response- 'tics want to eat, all the time, but can be very docile once they know food is not coming.
Dr. Viper