question on terrariums...
so, i was browsing the web today looking at all sorts of things when i find some guy talking about a tank he has that is 8'x2'x2' and has a glass divider to make two 4'x2'x2'tanks that are joined. it has sliding glass front doors and glass and screen tops for mounting lights, heating units, what have you. and i realized that this would be a much nicer way to house my two snakes, (being that they are both in 50 gallon terrariums atm). the problem is he didnt state where he got this tank or the name of the company that made it. so i was wondering if this kinda set up sounds familiar to you folks? if so do you know how much they cost, and if you can use uth's with them? any advice or input is greatly appreciated.
(btw snakes are a ~24" female normal ball, and ~20" dumerils boa)
0.1.0 Ball Python- Kali Chakra
0.1.0 Dumeril's Boa- Akoma
1.1.0 Red Eared Terrapin- Shelldon & Squirtel