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Old 11-19-09, 04:32 PM   #1
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Have two different Morelia pythons in the same terrarium?

Hello dear users, I got a question about my morelias.

I've got one morelia that is a morph between

50 % Coastel (Morelia spilota mcdowelli)
37.5 % Diamond (Morelia spilota spilota)
12.5 % Jungle (Morelia spilota cheynei)

Then I just bought a Morelia Spilota Harrisoni, (Variegata Irain Jaya Carpet Python)(I'm saying Harrisoni, don't know which one is correct)

I had my Harrisoni in quarantine over a month to check for parasites and so. From what I can see it's healthy. Eating and shitting all right. And no mites.

My question is if I can keep these two in the same terrarium? There's no spaceproblem, the terrarium is quite big. And their habitat is quite the same. And also snakes are about the same size.

Is this possible to have or will any animal be stressed?
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Old 11-19-09, 05:46 PM   #2
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Re: Have two different Morelia pythons in the same terrarium?

No you should not keep them together, it's just dangerous. The only time snakes should be kept together is during the breeding season IF they are a breeding pair. Even breeding pairs should not be kept together year-round. It's stressful for them and dangerous if one decides to attack the other. Also, I've never heard of Morelia spilota harrisoni- could you post some pictures of it? I'm quite curious, as I'm a huge carpet python fan.
Dr. Viper
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Old 11-19-09, 07:49 PM   #3
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Re: Have two different Morelia pythons in the same terrarium?

Okey, Then it have to live in quarantine a bit more 'til I get her terrarium finished.

Here's some pictures I just took some minutes ago.

Sorry for the quality, I live in Sweden and we got +1 GMT So it's half past two in the night here. I can get better shots for you tomorrow if you're having trouble identifying my snake.

As you can see the snake is underfed, and that's the story why I don't have a terrarium ready for her. I bought her from a friend that were keeping her in a very very small box and with barely no heat. I were really happy when she ate for the first time. My friend and I didn't think she was going to do that because of the neglection. But she's a healthy and speedy snake.

Another question while I'm still at it. How fast should I "fatten" her. I want her to grow and be healthy. And healthy before growing.

Greetings from Alexander
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Old 11-20-09, 08:33 AM   #4
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Re: Have two different Morelia pythons in the same terrarium?

I'd give her a good-sized meal once a week, no more than that. You want her to put the weight on steadily but slowly. It looks like she is about 4 feet long? If so, I would give hr a small rat or rat weanling, depending on what size they are where you get them, once a week. Carpets can take surprisingly large meals, so I wouldn't worry about her taking a small rat. I feed my Irian jaya two extra-large mice a week because he won't take rats, but I am trying to get him onto rats.
Dr. Viper
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Old 11-20-09, 03:34 PM   #5
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Re: Have two different Morelia pythons in the same terrarium?

Okey, thanks for the answer.

So I should call it Irian jaya?
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Old 11-20-09, 08:21 PM   #6
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Re: Have two different Morelia pythons in the same terrarium?

Yes. I actually looked it up and the scientific name for Irian Jaya carpet pythons is Morelia spilota variegata. It used to be Morelia spilota harissoni. I have a male Irian Jaya- I'd just never heard of them referred to as "variegated" so I thought you had a color morph I'd never heard of. I love the Irian Jayas- they are so pretty! She's a very nice specimen- nice reduced cream bands on her.
Dr. Viper
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