Okey, Then it have to live in quarantine a bit more 'til I get her terrarium finished.
Here's some pictures I just took some minutes ago.
Sorry for the quality, I live in Sweden and we got +1 GMT So it's half past two in the night here. I can get better shots for you tomorrow if you're having trouble identifying my snake.
As you can see the snake is underfed, and that's the story why I don't have a terrarium ready for her. I bought her from a friend that were keeping her in a very very small box and with barely no heat. I were really happy when she ate for the first time. My friend and I didn't think she was going to do that because of the neglection. But she's a healthy and speedy snake.
Another question while I'm still at it. How fast should I "fatten" her. I want her to grow and be healthy. And healthy before growing.
Greetings from Alexander