Alright, I love snakes. Period. Always have. But my husband is really afraid of them. So, when we recently visited a pet store and I started talking about getting my aquarium set back up and HE suggested I get one of the cute little corn snakes instead, I was floored!
So, for the past week or so we've been planning and I've been reading everything I can about caring for and keeping corn snakes. And I have read a LOT about people making their own vivariums out of things like bookshelves, coffee tables, and tv stands.
I was hoping that some people would be willing to share their DIY ideas (with photos!) to get me started. We were at a thrift store the other day and saw one of those gigantic tv's-in-a-cabinet, and thought it would make a really interesting home for our future snake. Anybody ever converted a tv? He's really handy, and he thinks he could even wire the tv knobs to turn on/off day & night lights!
Oh, I have a 10(ish) gallon tank sitting in my garage that we could use a temporary home. I belive that it would be quite sufficient for a few weeks if not a few months, until the snake is bigger or the "new" vivarium is finished.