Re: Handling or feeding during shed
From what I've heard from other BP keepers and from my own experience, BPs generally don't like to eat during a shed cycle. They can't see all that well, which makes it difficult to strike accurately, and BPs seem to be more sensitive to that deficiency. During shed, they really just like to hide all of the time. In addition, they become somewhat nervous, or perhaps it would be better to say extra-cautious, and trying to feed live might be stressful due to the snake's natural fear that it's prey could become the predator.
The first time I tried feeding mine during a shed, he struck several times, always missing, and then refused to try again. The second time I tried, he smelled and moved away, clearly not interested in even trying. So, as Kimberly suggests, it's better to wait.
Just keep an eye out for the shed. When you see the shed, that's the day to thaw out a nice-sized prey item!